Are you searching for scholarships in New Hampshire to help cover the costs of pursuing post-secondary education at one of the 12 public or 14 private universities within the state's borders?
Despite the fact that New Hampshire is best known among winter sports enthusiasts for having some of the largest ski mountains on the East Coast, New Hampshire has nearly as many educational scholarship opportunities as granite quarries. Whether you are born and raised or are considering becoming a "Granite Stater," the following are 25 of the most popular and most generous scholarships available in New Hampshire.
1. Abbie Sargent Memorial Scholarship
Deadline: March 15th
For residents of Carroll, Cheshire, Coos, Grafton, Hillsborough, Merrimack, Rockingham, Strafford, and Sullivan counties, the Abbie Sargent Memorial Scholarship is granted for up to $2,000 by the New Hampshire Farm Bureau Federation to provide financial support for students enrolling in a higher learning institution in the state. Qualified candidates must be graduates of an approved public or private high school, have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher, demonstrate financial need, and be pursuing a degree in an agriculture related study.
Abbie Sargent Memorial Scholarship
295 Sheep Davis Rd.
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 224-1934
2. Allen W. Plumb Memorial Scholarship
Deadline: November 2nd
In recognition of his work in the fields of forestry and land surveying, the New Hampshire Land Surveyors Foundation offers the Allen W. Plumb Memorial Scholarship to second, third, or fourth year students who are currently enrolled in an accredited two or four-year forestry program within New Hampshire. Eligible applicants must show serious interest, capability, potential, and accomplishment in making the profession of land surveying their career.
Allen W. Plumb Memorial Scholarship
70 Kimball Pond Rd.
P.O. Box 689
Raymond, NH 03077
(603) 895-4822
3. Bonnie Newman Endowed Scholarship Fund
Deadline: May 1st
Sponsored by the Community College System of New Hampshire, the Bonnie Newman Endowed Scholarship Fund was created in honor of the former Interim Chancellor who devoted her career to providing broad access to educational and economic opportunity across all regions of the state. Each year, the fund provides seven scholarships for full-time students at community colleges in New Hampshire who have demonstrated leadership potential through academic achievement, public service, and career aspirations.
Bonnie Newman Endowed Scholarship Fund
26 College Drive
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 230-3500
Scholarship Link
4. Clauder Competition Playwriting Prize Scholarship
Deadline: August 31st
As New England's most prestigious playwriting award, the Clauder Competition Playwriting Prize Scholarship awards up to $2,500 annually to playwrights who live or attend school in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, or Vermont and create an outstanding original work. In order to be considered, plays must be full-length with a running time between one and three hours, not be primarily for younger audiences, and not have received a professional production or publication.
Clauder Competition Playwriting Prize Scholarship
25A Forest Avenue
P.O. Box 1458
Portland, ME 04104
(207) 774-0465
5. Dunkin' Donuts New Hampshire Scholarships
Deadline: April 15th
In collaboration with the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, the Dunkin' Donuts franchise provides 10 annual scholarships for $2,500 each to graduating high school seniors throughout New Hampshire who are enrolling full-time at any post-secondary U.S. institution to pursue a degree related to the business, hospitality, or food service industries. Recipients will be evaluated based on academic merit with a GPA of at least 3.25, financial need, and involvement in volunteer or community service.
Dunkin' Donuts New Hampshire Scholarships
37 Pleasant St.
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 225-6641 ext. 1224
6. Erika Tardif Scholarship Fund for Science and Math
Deadline: April 4th
To provide financial support to New Hampshire undergraduate and graduate students in science and mathematics, Plan NH offers the Erika Tardif Scholarship Fund for Science and Math for up to $3,000. Qualified candidates must be enrolled in an accredited program, have completed at least one semester of college-level studies, exhibit academic excellence in chosen field, and reflect the greatest potential for a future career that will positively influence some aspect of the built environment in New England.
Erika Tardif Scholarship Fund for Science and Math
56 Middle St. 2nd Floor
Portsmouth, NH 03801
(603) 452-7526
7. Fisher Cats Foundation Scholar-Athlete Scholarship
Deadline: May 2nd
Established by the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, the Fisher Cats Foundation Scholar-Athlete Scholarship program is designed to provide 10 scholarships for $2,500 annually to graduating high school seniors in New Hampshire who are planning to enroll in a four-year degree program in the coming fall. Applications will be reviewed by a selection committee on the basis of academic achievement, athletic performance, financial need, and good citizenship.
Fisher Cats Foundation Scholar-Athlete Scholarship
37 Pleasant St.
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 225-6641 ext. 1224
8. Frank and Olive Gilman Foundation Scholarship
Deadline: April 15th
In honor of an ambitious entrepreneur and his wife who have served as advocates for higher education throughout their lives, the Frank and Olive Gilman Foundation Scholarship is awarded for $5,000 annually by the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation to students graduating from Lebanon High School, Rivendell Academy, Mascoma Valley Regional High School, or Woodsville High School. Preference will be given to students whose family's financial situation might otherwise prevent them from attending an accredited post-secondary institution.
Frank and Olive Gilman Foundation Scholarship
37 Pleasant St.
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 225-6641
9. Granite State Student Broadcaster Scholarship
Deadline: March 28th
Annually, the New Hampshire Association of Broadcasters (NHAB) presents the Granite State Student Broadcaster Scholarship for $2,500 to permanent residents of New Hampshire who are currently enrolled at an accredited institution of higher learning and are actively pursuing a degree related to radio and television broadcasting. Selection will take into account financial need, academic merit, community service, extra-curricular activities, and work experience.
Granite State Student Broadcaster Scholarship
707 Chestnut St.
Manchester, NH 03104
(603) 627-9600
10. Harry Gregg Foundation Educational Grant
Deadline: June 5th
Sponsored by Crotched Mountain to provide support and services to individuals who need financial assistance to afford post-secondary education, the Harry Gregg Foundation Educational Grant provides up to $1,200 to low and moderate-income New Hampshire students with physical, emotional, or intellectual disabilities. Along with the application, candidates must submit an official transcript, proof of enrollment, verification of disability, and an original essay discussing ways they have overcome their disability.
Harry Gregg Foundation Educational Grant
One Verney Drive
Greenfield, NH 03047
(603) 547-3311 ext. 1490
11. John A. High Child Welfare Scholarship
Deadline: May 1st
Administered by the American Legion Department of New Hampshire, the John A. High Child Welfare Scholarship provides $2,000 annually to a young male whose father or mother has been a member of the American Legion or American Legion Auxiliary for at least three years. For consideration, applicants must submit a letter of recommendation from their clergyman, compose an original 300-word article, and provide proof of acceptance at any accredited higher learning institution in New Hampshire.
John A. High Child Welfare Scholarship
121 South Fruit St.
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 856-8951
12. Kocher Technology Scholarship Program
Deadline: May 1st
Created by the New Hampshire High Tech Council, the Kocher Technology Scholarship Program will award annual $2,000 scholarships to New Hampshire students pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in a high demand science, technology, engineering, or math-related (STEM) field with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. In addition, recipients at the University of New Hampshire, Plymouth State University, Keene State College, or Granite State College are eligible to receive an extra $2,000 for a total of $4,000.
Kocher Technology Scholarship Program
36 Lowell St. 2nd Floor
Manchester, NH 03101
(603) 935-8951
13. Mary Eileen Dixey Endowed Scholarship
Deadline: October 31st
Exclusively for New Hampshire residents, the Mary Eileen Dixey Endowed Scholarship is provided annually for $1,000 by the New Hampshire Occupational Therapy Association to occupational therapy and occupational therapy assistant students enrolled in an accredited educational program within the state. Qualified applicants must be pursuing their first degree in occupational therapy, have a sustained record of outstanding scholastic achievement, and have completed at least one full year of degree coursework.
Mary Eileen Dixey Endowed Scholarship
P.O. Box 4232
Concord, NH 03302
(603) 225-9290
14. Mary Felicia Falzarano Scholarship
Deadline: April 15th
Established by the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, the Mary Felicia Falzarano Scholarship distributes up to $1,500 to graduating high school seniors from Bradford, Croydon, Goshen, Lempster, Newbury, New London, Newport, Springfield, Sunapee, Sutton, Warner, or Wilmot who will be pursuing post-secondary education. The highest priority will be given to students who are attending an accredited vocational or technical school in New Hampshire and have few economic resources to afford college education.
Mary Felicia Falzarano Scholarship
37 Pleasant St.
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 225-6641
15. Medallion Fund Scholarship
Deadline: Ongoing
Sponsored by the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association (NHADA), the Medallion Fund Scholarship grants up to $2,000 to legal New Hampshire residents who are planning to attend their first or second year at one of the five community colleges in the state that offer an automotive technology, collision repair, or mobile equipment technology program. Qualified candidates must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 or higher, be 20 years old or over, submit a letter of recommendation, and have a clean driving record.
Medallion Fund Scholarship
507 South St.
P.O. Box 2337
Concord, NH 03302
(603) 225-4895
16. NAWIC Granite State Chapter Scholarships
Deadline: April 1st
With the mission of providing educational assistance to students majoring in a construction-related field of engineering, electrical, plumbing, carpentry, or general construction, the Granite State Chapter of the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) grants annual scholarships for up to $2,000. Eligible candidates must be New Hampshire residents, be entering their junior or senior year in a four-year institution, have a GPA of 2.0 or better, and submit a personal essay on career goals in construction.
NAWIC Granite State Chapter Scholarships
4 Loudon Ridge Rd.
Loudon, NH 03307
(603) 224-1892
17. New Hampshire Food Industries Education Scholarships
Deadline: April 1st
Each year, the New Hampshire Grocers Association (NHGA) offers over 55 New Hampshire Food Industries Education Scholarships for $1,000 apiece to U.S. college students who are employed or are a dependent child of a full-time employee at one of the NHGA retailer or supplier member facilities. In evaluating the applicants, the committee considers academic performance, test scores, extra-curricular activities, student employment experience, financial need, and letters of recommendation.
New Hampshire Food Industries Education Scholarships
110 Stark St.
Manchester, NH 03101
(603) 669-9333
18. New Hampshire Society of Certified Public Accountants Scholarships
Deadline: November 15th
The New Hampshire Society of Certified Public Accountants (NHSCPA) offers annual scholarship for up to $3,500 to New Hampshire undergraduates who are entering their senior year at an accredited four-year institution and graduates pursuing a master's degree with a major in accounting or business. Qualified candidates must be U.S. citizens, be enrolled full-time in an accredited degree program, have taken at least three courses in upper-level accounting, and demonstrate strong academic achievement.
New Hampshire Society of Certified Public Accountants Scholarships
1750 Elm St. Suite 403
Manchester, NH 03104
(603) 622-1999
19. New Hampshire Scholarships for Orphans of Veterans
Deadline: September 1st
Administered by the State of New Hampshire Department of Education, the New Hampshire Scholarships for Orphans of Veterans covers the full tuition and academic fee expenses for students currently enrolled at a state-supported public institution. All New Hampshire students whose parent(s) were killed in action as the result of a service-related disability while serving in the United States Armed Forces in a combat situation are encouraged to apply.
New Hampshire Scholarships for Orphans of Veterans
101 Pleasant St.
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 271-0289
20. NHACEP Nursing Scholarship Program
Deadline: June 1st
Sponsored by the New Hampshire Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians (NHACEP), this Nursing Scholarship Program provides two annual awards for $500 each to New Hampshire residents who are currently enrolled in a fully accredited nursing degree program in the state on a full-time or part-time basis. Along with the completed application, candidates are required to attach two letters of recommendation, an official sealed transcript, and at least two letters of recommendation certifying active class participation.
NHACEP Nursing Scholarship Program
7 North State St.
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 224-7083
21. Paul and Ann Harvey Scholarship Fund for Manchester
Deadline: April 4th
For students living in the greater Manchester area, Plan NH grants the Paul and Ann Harvey Scholarship Fund for Manchester to students who are currently enrolled in an accredited post-secondary institution with a major in architecture, engineering, and/or other construction-related fields of study. Qualified candidates must exhibit academic excellence in their chosen field and reflect the greatest potential for a future career that will positively influence some aspect of the built environment in New England.
Paul and Ann Harvey Scholarship Fund for Manchester
56 Middle St. 2nd Floor
Portsmouth, NH 03801
(603) 452-7526
22. Rosalie Norris NHLA Scholarship
Deadline: April 1st
Annually, the New Hampshire Library Association (NHLA) presents the Rosalie Norris Scholarship for $1,000 to deserving legal residents who are currently employed by a New Hampshire library and are interested in pursuing a graduate degree in library or library information science from an ALA-accredited institution in the United States. Applicants must submit at least three reference letters, a current resume, and a personal statement describing educational and professional goals related to library science.
Rosalie Norris NHLA Scholarship
14 Main St.
Amherst, NH 03031
(603) 673-2288
23. Russell Stearns Scholarship for Civil Engineers
Deadline: April 18th
Administered by the New Hampshire Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (NHASCHE), the Russell Stearns Scholarship for Civil Engineers provides $1,000 to aid New Hampshire residents in their pursuit of an undergraduate degree in engineering. For consideration, applicants are required to attach a personal statement on employment experience and extra-curricular involvement, two letters of recommendation from civil engineering faculty members, and proof of enrollment status.
Russell Stearns Scholarship for Civil Engineers
P.O. Box 4953
Manchester, NH 03108
(800) 548-2723
24. Seacoast Scholars Program
Deadline: April 15th
Each year, the Seacoast Scholars Program provides over $100,000 in scholarship assistance to students from Barrington, Brentwood, Danville, Dover, Durham, East Kingston, Epping, Exeter, Farmington, Fremont, Greenland, Hampton, Hampton Falls, Kensington, Kingston, Lee, Madbury, Milton, New Castle, Newfields, Newington, Newmarket, Newton, North Hampton, Northwood, Nottingham, Plaistow, Portsmouth, Rochester, Rollinsford, Rye, Sandown, Seabrook, Somersworth, South Hampton, Strafford, or Stratham who will be enrolling in post-secondary education full-time. Selection is based on academic achievement, involvement in school or community activities, leadership experience, and financial need.
Seacoast Scholars Program
37 Pleasant St.
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 225-6641
25. Thomas E. Desjardins Memorial Scholarship
Deadline: Varies
Established by the New England Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (NEITE), the Thomas E. Desjardins Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually to an undergraduate and graduate student who is pursuing an accredited civil engineering degree at a four-year institution within Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, or Rhode Island. Eligible candidates must demonstrate high moral character, high academic achievement, involvement in extra-curricular activities, and a strong commitment to transportation engineering.
Thomas E. Desjardins Memorial Scholarship
53 Regional Drive
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 225-2978
Scholarship Link
In order to cover the costs of rising tuition costs in New Hampshire and beyond, it is becoming increasingly important for students to depend on various sources of funding to avoid overwhelming amounts of loan debt upon graduation. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you further investigate these 25 great scholarships in New Hampshire to help pay your educational expenses and achieve all of your academic goals.
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