Is Health Informatics Boring?
The world of healthcare has been changing dramatically for some time now, and for those with a passion for helping it develop, a career in health informatics would be anything but boring; on the contrary, having the opportunity to feel actualized in their life's purpose will transcend even the things that people without the same level of passion might find unbearable.
Emotional Activation Energy
If you ask the question "is health informatics boring?", what you might want to ask yourself next is "does health informatics stimulate me?" The feeling of boredom is, plainly put, a lack of stimulation. Though our brains are obviously responsible for our capacity to act in a logical manner, it is a fundamentally emotional organ. The brain's logical capacity is a lever that is weighed against the constant tug and pull of its emotions, but a purely logical state is not the state that it assumes when left to its own devices.
When there isn't the slightest bit of emotional weight behind the concept of health informatics in a person's mind, they'll find it difficult to become engaged in the job even if they happen to be naturally talented in it. Becoming qualified for the job merely indicates that you've got the right cognitive tools to perform the job when pressed; it does not, however, indicate that you'll feel the right degree of stimulation to make the experience of doing the job fulfilling.
Productivity Through Personal Investment
When a person who has a genuine personal investment in health informatics engages in the field, their brain waves are flowing in a dramatically different fashion than those of a person who isn't engaged at all. The perception of high value that a health informatics aficionado finds in their will trickle down into every little aspect of the job on a micro-level, preventing the smaller and less notable things from feeling like torture.
Should I Go Into Health Informatics If I Find It Boring?
Though there may be some who claim that boredom shouldn't be a factor in whether or not a career should appeal to you, qualifying what your best job choices are based on salary alone is a misguided idea at best and potentially dangerous idea at worst.
Boredom is not only a feeling that impacts how engaged you feel when you're performing, but also how productive you are when working. Boredom is not just a sensation, but a chemical reaction that greatly subdues the parts of your brain that are responsible for innovation, communication, vigilance, focus and all other extremely vital qualities of professionalism.
The negative effects may not immediately manifest so powerfully that they make you incapable at doing the job, but eventually, prolonged boredom can take its toll so subtly that the problem isn't apparent until a serious mistake on the job is made due to a lapse in attention.
In a field like health informatics, a great degree of consistent focus and attention to detail is not only just important for the quality of the job, but also the welfare of patients.
A person who lacks the innate personal investment in health informatics to remain stimulated on the job could pose a major indirect threat to the healthcare of patients who depend on their services. A person who is fully engaged in health informatics due to genuine passion for the job, however, is in the best possible position to provide the desirable outcome for everybody involved.
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