
Showing 21 - 30 of 94 for "Best Value Schools STEM Scholarship for Women"

  • International Business Scholarships

    Future Global Business Leaders As the competitive business marketplace of the 21st century continues to globalize, more organizations and universities are investing in future global business leaders by offering international business scholarships. If you enjoy traveling across international borders, interacting with people from other cultures, learning about global trade systems, and getting involved in political […]


    Finding database management scholarships may seem like a challenge, but students interested in data-focused careers can actually apply to a wide range of IT scholarships. With this financial support, students can cut the costs of earning a database management degree for learning how to properly store, modify, and extract important data from database systems. Since the […]

  • Engineering Scholarships

    Engineering Scholarships If you're passionate about building new things and enjoy constantly redesigning items in your mind, then you could be the perfect match for engineering scholarships. As one of the most popular STEM fields with high-paying and in-demand job options, there's plenty of free tuition money out there for students with the ambition and […]


    It's time for Best Value Schools to recognize our second 2017 STEM Scholarship for Women winner, Dr. Chrislyn Wood! We have awarded $2,000 to help fund her completion of a...


    Math education scholarships are increasing in numbers to provide financial assistance to aspiring teachers seeking to help students who dislike mathematics realize the enormous role it plays in our everyday...


    Since start-ups are vital parts of a healthy economy that provide new jobs, consume goods, and generate more revenue, many organizations are now offering entrepreneurship scholarships to help new innovators keep America out of recession. No matter how far along you are in starting your own business, there are several scholarship options available to reward […]

  • Internet Security Scholarships

    Apply to a Internet Security Scholarships Due to the worsening torrent of cyber attacks placing our nation's information infrastructures in extreme peril, there's a growing number of Internet security scholarships available to encourage talented college students to enter this in-demand profession. Since cyber security jobs have grown two times faster than all IT jobs at […]

  • Software Engineering Scholarships

    Software Engineering Scholarships Software engineering scholarships can be a valuable tool for college students to finance their education on the design, development, and maintenance of software. Software engineering stands at the crossroads between computer science and programming to focus on developing software systems that function efficiently. In today's digital world, software engineers or developers serve […]

  • Liberal Arts Scholarships

    Liberal arts scholarships can be rather easy to find for college students who are pursuing interdisciplinary degrees that provide an overview of the arts and humanities. Liberal arts programs often offer majors in areas like communications, English, history, linguistics, philosophy, political science, mathematics, sociology, and religion. See: Top 9 Cheap Online Liberal Arts Studies Degree Programs […]

  • Legal Studies Scholarships

    There are numerous legal studies scholarships available to help aspiring legal professionals detour around the financial distress of tuition costs and start a law career without much loan debt. Whether at the undergraduate, master's, or Juris Doctor level, legal studies programs are intellectually stimulating and prestigious starting points for carving a successful career in the […]