What is Industrial Science?
If not for industrial science, or IS we would have far fewer commodities in the world today. This often unknown yet absolute reality is because of the integral part this particular science plays in product creation. What exactly is this science behind it all? Let's learn more.
IS is the driving force behind product production. It is this science that is employed by production companies in order to develop, adapt, and produce a product for the consumer market. This important role essentially plays out via a three-part process.
Development and Design
Development and design are the initial phase of the industrial scientist's job in creating a viable product. It is here that consumer needs, societal problems, legal understandings, and profit motive all combine in the design and development of a new product. In this first stage, a product is hypothesized, designed, and thus made ready for subsequent testing.
Testing and Troubleshooting
Testing of this newly pioneered product is very important. This is because, on one hand, the consumer is shielded from a poor product before ever even being exposed to it. On the other hand, as Harvard Business Review puts it, "Testing and experimentation reveal what does and doesn't work, and initial assumptions about costs and value may be disproved." At this phase, industrial science is able to determine the overall viability of its new design as well the likelihood of market success or failure.
Redevelopment and Adaptation
The final part of the role played by this crucial science is that of redevelopment and adaptation. Pending results of the testing and troubleshooting phase, this phase may be quite busy or virtually non-existent. If problems or concerns are found in testing, this phase sees to redesigning or adapting the product just enough so as to avoid these known problems. The product is then tested again and the hope is for its suitable completion at this time. If more redesign is called for, the industrial scientist will continue to engage it.
The Science at Work
To provide an even better understanding of this particular science at work, let's look at some common examples in modern use.
The Dynamic Drone Company wants to launch its company with the launch of an exciting new product. Its team of industrial scientists then get to work designing a great new kind of drone for kids. After testing, some fine-tuning, and retesting, the new model is ready for marketing. Here, we see the three-phase process unfold, creating a marketable product for the company and consumer.
To build off of this same, hypothetical example, we continue to look to the Dynamic Drone Company and its new goal in creating an adult line of drones based on similar features found in the successful, children's model. The company's industrial sciences team can now be seen working hard to carry out this three-phase process yet again. A new product, carrying past, successful features is the design goal now. After a good design is built, it's time for testing and any subsequent refining of the design. Finally, the company's new line of drones is ready for the consumer, all thanks to a team of industrial scientists hard at work behind the curtain.
Behind every television set, car, cell phone, and bicycle, there was a team of industrial scientists applying this important science. Without this, the world of commodity as we know it would be completely different, certainly not for the better. Industrial science is that crucial science that powers the modernized, intelligent production methods of today.
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