Once you graduate from high school you have some hard decisions to make. Before you invest tens of thousands of dollars in an advanced education, you want to make sure that you are going to be able to find a job in your chosen career. If you are committed to living in Michigan when you are ready to enter the job market, there are many industries with excellent job opportunities. Following is a short list of several of the fastest growing industries in Michigan.
Software Developer
If you enjoy writing program and working with computers, a software developer is a great career to pursue. This field is projected to grow by at least 20% by the year 2020. The projected jobs in Michigan alone are estimated to be around 19,000. The average wage for a software developer is between $85,600-$102,200. Software developers are the creative designers behind computer programs. They can write programs, test new programs, and correct flaws in existing programs. To get a job as a software developer, you will need a minimum of a bachelor degree, and some jobs require a master's degree as well.
Read: 30 Best Value Colleges and Universities in Michigan
Personal Care Aides
With our aging population, personal care aides will continue to be in demand across the country in the coming years. This field is projected to grow by at least 21% in Michigan alone, with projected jobs around 34,400. While this career path does not pay as well as some careers with an average wage of $21,600, there are other benefits. Personal Care Aides work directly with people who need help with their day to day functions such as elderly or developmentally disabled people. This is a career that can be personally rewarding. In addition, on-the-job training or a community college program is generally enough to get you started on this career path.
Computer-Controlled Machine Tool Operator
This profession is also known as a machinist. The only education a machinist needs is on-the-job training, which makes this career path perfect for anyone who is not interested in pursuing an degree. This field is projected to grow by a whooping 31% in Michigan by the year 2024. This means an additional 13,900 job should open up over the next 5-7 years. The average wage for a machinist is $36,500, with increases as your experience grows. A machinist works with a variety of machines that produce precision tools and instruments.
Credit Counselor
Credit Counselors are going to be in greater demand in the future as the field is projected by grow by 36% by the year 2024. The average wage for a credit counselor is around $47,000. Credit counselors help people to manage their debt. This is another profession that can provide a great deal of personal satisfaction as you work directly with individuals who need your help and your expertise. A bachelor degree in finance is what most credit counselor need to get into their field.
The job prospects in Michigan are very promising for many different career choices. The key is to find the field that you are interested in and do your research to ensure that your perfect job in listed as one of the fastest growing industries in Michigan.
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